What We Do

AP Software Services, Inc. assists schools to comply with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requirements and other governmental agencies. The contracted service provided by AP Software Services, Inc. makes reporting more efficient and cost effective.

With AP Software Services, Inc. you are ensured complete reports--quickly and accurately

  • Assessments
  • Enrollment of a new student MOSIS ID's.
  • Lunch counts to free and reduced.
  • IEP-Special Education requirements and compliance.
  • Demographics.
  • Educator Information.
  • Discipline.



Core Data/MOSIS

MOSIS is used to collect student data in reports. Reports are necessary to record, collect, organize, analyze, track trends in performance, research improving education.

Learn More

Data Is Powerful

Make Data Work for Everyone

Be clear, collaborate, share

Students & Parents

Ensure training & support


Gain trust & support from communities
Department of Education

Dept of Education

Keep Student data private & safe
U.S. Dept of Education

U.S. Dept of Education


We Collect and Report Efficiently

By collecting data we can organize, analysis, evaluate problems, track trends in performance and improve effectiveness.  Data gives schools, teachers, parents, the state and nation the tools they need to help students by creating opportunities guiding them on their journey through school, setting goals and being productive in their lives.
