Here are a just a few of the features that our clients love about our system!
Faculty- View, Edit, and Manage all of your school faculty with ease! Check faculty attendance, and run reports of all active and inactive faculty members.
Health- Our Medical Chart makes it easy for a school nurse to diagnose a student illness and get them the help they need. The Nurse Visit form allows you to keep track of the time and date that a student checks in to the Nurse’s Office Our detailed Immunization records make sure that your students are up to date with all needed immunizations.
Parent Portal- Parents can keep up with how their child is performing in school. They can look up grades,attendance, discipline reports, and account balances!
Teachers- eSchoolCore makes it easy for teachers to manage their classes. They can create custom class schedules, access grade books, grade cards, keep attendance records, discipline records, school schedules, report late attendance and early dismissal.